
What is Bhang? – Effects and Treatment

Written By
Jagruti Rehab
Last Updated on: 28 Mar 2025

Bhang is more than addictive, it is a culture, tradition and sacred in India. Most Indians can't imagine Holi and Maha Shivratri celebrations without a refreshing bhang drink. Traditional Ayurvedic medicine has also used bhang to resolve pain, stress and other conditions. However, bhang is inherently a psychoactive agent and may induce addiction. As bhang has been excluded from the purview of psychotic agents under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS Act, 1985), it remains a topic of discussion for medical and legal experts. As a well-established rehab, here is how Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre explains what is bhang and everything about bhang overdose.

What is Bhang?

Bhang is a blend of dried, powdered, and soaked buds and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant. It is the ingestible sister product of ganja, also a derivative of cannabis. As ganja trade and consumption remain illegal in India, bhang remains more prevalent. Bhange is an intoxicant and has psychoactive effects when consumed. Bhang contains cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), active psychoactive agents.

The bhang paste is usually mixed with curd to make lassi (a curd-based drink) and is consumed at festivals. Other than that, bhang paste can also be added to laddoos, kulfi and pakoras (fritters). Bhang goli is a drink made from freshly pasted bhang leaves and water.

Why was Bhang Deemed Safe?

Bhang wasn’t prohibited under the NDPS Act, of 1985 because of the benefits of using bhang. Bhang has been integral to culture and traditionally used in medicines because:

  • The relaxing and anti-anxiety effects of bhang are used for stress reduction
  • CBD is a prominent anti-inflammatory that relieves pain
  • It supports sleep through its calming effects

Given that the benefits of using bhang are many, the product does have psychoactive and hallucinogenic potential, with side effects that may become addictive in no time. Talking of which, let us understand how the agent works.

How Does Bhang Act?

To understand the side effects of bhaang, you must learn more about how does it act? THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, makes people feel high after drinking/eating bhang. CBD, on the other hand, is not a psychoactive cannabinoid. There are molecules of endocannabinoids that your body naturally produces after consuming CBD. These compounds are equivalent to CBD and THC. Endocannabinoids interact with cannabinoid receptors in your body, affecting memory, decision-making, and motor coordination.

Side Effects of Bhang

Common side effects of drinking/eating bhang are dizziness, nausea, poor cognition and interactions with other meds. What’s alarming is bhang addition and bhang overdose.

Bhang Addiction:

Whatever is said and done, bhang is a chemical that affects thinking, memory and cognition. It satisfies the basic criteria of a drug. This is rare but possible to get addicted. Classical symptoms of bhang addiction are:

  • Less saliva and dry mouth

Xerostomia or dry mouth with sores and ulcers are common with prolonged bhang exposure.

  • Bloodshot eyes and rapid heartbeat

sudden rise of blood pressure and heart rate, causing redness in the eyes.

  • A persistent, mucus-filled cough

If untreated, it may result in irreversible lung issues.

  • Anxiety and Paranoia
  • Loss of self-control and Poor coordination

severely impact motor control and hand-eye coordination causing poor gait and balance

  • Loss of memory

there is disrupted hearing, sight and reduced touch with reality. Impaired senses rarely register addiction or overdose episodes.

Bhang Overdose

It is difficult to state how much is too much for Bhang. But regular consumption of bhang or bhang addiction can result in an overdose because bhang is easily available. Apart from all the above symptoms, bhang overdose additionally shows paranoia, hallucinations, panic attacks, nausea, and vomiting.

Best Practice for Responsible Bhang Consumption

You should enjoy bhang and not suffer from it. Remember the following:

  • Always know the source of bhang; it is best to choose high-quality products that have been well sorted, cleaned and processed.
  • Go slow: moderate consumption is the key. If you are a starter, it is best to go slow.
  • Best avoid bhang with comorbidities, unless your doctor gives it a go.

Rehabilitation From Bhang Addiction at Jagruti Rehabilitation Center

At Jagruti, the team specializes in de-addictions and mental well-being. Be it substance abuse, compulsive behaviours, bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia. We provide comprehensive dementia care solutions for Alzheimer's, vascular disease, Lewy body dementia, and related conditions, the experts and caregivers work very hard to get you back to your normal life.

Jagruti Rehab Centres in India

We treat bhang addiction by first uprooting the underlying cause and then boosting your mental health. This locks the idea of a long-term recovery. With the latest technology, scientific studies, 24*7 care, solo/group/family therapy and luxurious living spaces, Jagruti, can be your place for bhang addiction.


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