Addiction Treatment

Addiction Dependence

Dependence specifically refers to a physical condition in which the body has adapted to the presence of a drug. If that person stops taking that drug suddenly, that person will experience predictable and measurable withdrawal symptoms.The Nasha Mukti Kendra at Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre, Pune and Mumbai during your alcohol or substance de-addiction treatment helps you overcome your addiction dependence with the minimum of discomfort possible.

Tolerance : Tolerance is a person’s diminished response to a drug as a result of repeated use. Severely dependent addicts are often able to tolerate high levels of drug in quantity that would dangerously affect or kill some people.

Tolerance level can be increased perfectly when you head to nasha mukti Kendra Pune as here experts are well trained and have the expertise to help people with addiction issues.

Withdrawal symptoms : Withdrawal is the process of cutting out or cutting back on the addictive substances such as drugs or alcohol. An addict usually experiences physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly cut down or stop the substance they are addicted to. Withdrawal symptoms can be different for different people and can range from mild to severe depending upon the type of substance addicted to, the duration of addiction, the persons age, physical and psychological characteristics as well as the withdrawal process used. Whether you are dealing with heart tremors or sweating all your withdrawal symptoms should be treated perfectly at alcohol rehabilitation center in Pune. The most common withdrawal symptoms are:

  • Hand tremors, 6hrs
  • Sweating, 6 to 12 hrs
  • Hallucinations, seeing things & images that are unreal, 24-48 hrs
  • Anxiety, Insomnia, sleeplessness
  • Convulsions 72hrs
  • Relief drinking: to avoid withdrawal people drink
  • Time: - More time spent on Addiction use & its effects.
  • Desire: - If there is persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to cut down the Addiction.
  • Alternative enjoyment is lost.

We at our Vyasan Mukti Kendras take care that you experience minimum effect of the withdrawal symptoms while you are undergoing alcohol de-addiction treatment.

drugs prevent an adult to lead a healthy life so it is important for them to head to de addiction center in Pune. The individuals can’t get in touch with experts here who are well trained to deal with all types of addiction issues. Addiction leaves a huge impact on physical and mental health so it is vital to go to a rehab center in time.

Am I drinking too Much Addiction?

Binge drinking or excessive drinking can quickly escalate in to alcoholism. The CAGE questionnaire is an international tool used by healthcare practitioners to determine if that person has an alcohol addiction or no. The following questions are asked:

  • Have you ever felt the Need to Cut Down on your Drinking?
  • Have people Annoyed you by Criticizing your Drinking?
  • Have you ever felt Guilty About your Drinking?
  • Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of your hangover?

Even if one criterion is present you have to stop addiction use. Also, higher the score, the greater the indication that the patient might have problems controlling his alcohol consumption. The Nasha Mukti Kendra at Jagruti Rehabilitation Centre, Pune helps you answer the CAGE Criteria honestly and advice according to its results whether you need to undergo alcohol or drug de-addiction treatment Centre.

If you are looking for the best rehabilitation center in Pune then you need to look no further as we have got your back. We offer special treatments for senior citizens. Our professional treatment can help adults get rid of pain and distress that many older adults struggle with. Addiction in the elderly is often missed by family friends and even medical professionals because symptoms are often described as physical pains inability to sleep or even low energy.

Risks of Addiction use

Addiction is a disease and it affects all the aspects of life of the addict. The consequences of addiction can affect a person’s well-being, physical health, family and professional life.

Deaddiction of alcohol is very important if you want to lead a normal life. There are harmful effects of alcohol addiction and you can deal with it if you take proper treatment.

Compulsive cravings and prolonged substance abuse causes short-term and long-term negative health consequences throughout your body.

Short Term effects

  • Accidents, Injuries, Trivial falls may cause head injuries, fractures & sudden deaths.
  • Addiction Poisoning may lead to vomiting, seizures, falling unconscious & death.
  • Violent behaviour & being victim of violence.
  • Binge drinks: - heavy drink over short period of time is more likely to behave recklessly & are at greater risk of being in an accident

Long Term effects

  • Heart disease: Heavy drinking over a long period cause increased blood pressure, high cholesterol level which may cause heart attacks & stroke.
  • Long term Addiction misuse can weaken immune system, making u vulnerable to infections.
  • It can also weaken your bones placing u at greater risk of fracturing or breaking them.
  • Stroke & Paralysis.
  • Liver Dysfunction, Jaundice, Ascites & Liver failure.
  • Mouth, Liver & Bowel cancer.
  • Pancreatitis & Diabetes due to recurrent Pancreatitis.
  • Sexual problems like impotence, premature ejaculation, infertility.
  • "Children of addicts are the people who have been robbed of their childhood."
  • From the unborn child to the aged in the family, everyone is affected by addict person.
  • They Ignore children, whose development is disturbed. Children may face symptoms as low self-esteem, loneliness, guilt, hopelessness, fears of abandonment & depression.
  • They also can have high levels of stress & anxiety, Frequent nightmares, bedwetting, poor schooling, school drop-out also, may develop symptoms like lying, stealing, truancy, fighting.
  • Spouse have negative effects like feeling of hatred, self-pity, avoidance of social contacts, may suffer exhaustion & become physically & mentally ill.
  • There may be premature widowhood.
  • Domestic abuse & Frequent fights can result in Family break up & divorce.
  • Addiction can disrupt family life & its harmful effects can last a lifetime.
  • Psychosis, delusion of infidelity, suspecting spouse that she has an affair.
  • Depression, worrying thoughts, Fear of illnesses, anxiety
  • Addiction induced panic disorder.
  • Addiction induced Dementia & Wernicke’s encephalopathy
  • Besides money spent on Addiction, spending on Addiction related health problems.
  • Poor become poorer due to Addiction use.
  • Work impairment, loss of job, Absenteeism, unemployment.
  • Loss of judgement in financial dealings, loans & misadventure.
  • Loss of personal possessions like wallets, keys & Mobile phones
  • Reduce the productivity. 40% of accidents at workplace are related to Addiction.
  • There may be unemployment, & homelessness.
  • Sexual advances & inappropriate behaviour.
  • The persons who start drinking early during or before graduation loose education ultimately.
  • There may be loss of respect in the society.

Risk Limits

Addiction Misuse means drinking excessively--- More than lower risk limits of Addiction CONSUPTION Lower risk limits : - 1 Unit of Addiction is 10 ml of Pure Addiction Which means half pint of beer or A peg of 30ml of whisky or similar drinks

To keep your risk of Addiction harm low We advice Less than14 units of Addiction a week i.e. 14 small pegs of 30 ml If you want to drink 14 units, its best to spread evenly over the week over three or more day a week

If you want to reduce the amount of Addiction you drink, it’s good to have several Addiction-free days each week. Regular drinking means drinking almost every day each week The risk to your health is increased by drinking any amount of Addiction on a regular basis